Two things contributed to the fall of the house of Maico; family squabbles over control of the company & poor engineering on the 1982 single-shock design Read More...
The 2007 Honda was a victim of its own two-stroke success, the Honda engineers thought they were infallible. The 2007 CR250 prove them wrong Read More...
For 2000, the KX engineers added more inertia to the drivetrain to help the KX125 churn out a broader powerband. Unfortunately, it didn’t work as well as they hoped Read More...
Yamaha spent millions of dollars on the development of the most advanced two-stroke motocross bike in motocross history at the exact moment when two-stroke sales hit the dumpster Read More...
No offense to Kawasaki, Suzuki and KTM, but their combined motocross bike sales didn't equal one-half of the numbers put up by Yamaha and Honda in 2004 Read More...
TM has been around for many years, and their claim to fame is that they are the only manufacturer offering a full-blown factory bike to the public Read More...
The '99 CR125 powerband is on the short side. This would not be a crime if it weren't for the YZ125's broadness. As is, the KTM 125 is a better example of what the Honda should have been Read More...
The 2005 CR125 was much faster than the 2004 model. In fact, was competitive with the rest of the 125s. As for the 250Fs, let's not get too greedy Read More...