REM TO RACE NATIONAL TRACK ON SATURDAY: Glen Helen’s REM Races Will Move To The National Track This Weekend (Since The REM Track Was Flattened For The 250/450 National)
REM TO RACE NATIONAL TRACK ON SATURDAY: Glen Helen’s REM races will Move To The National Track This Weekend: Since The REM Track was Flattened For the 250/450 National
ÿÿÿ Not only will REM be on the National track, but this will be the first test of their new transponder scoring system. The great thing about the REM scoring system is that if you are an REM member there is no cost for the transponder (does it really make sense to charge a guy to race and then charge him again to be scored?).ÿ If you are not an REM member there will be a $5 charge, but after that you own the transponder (as long as you don’t peel it off your helmet, you should not have to replace it for a while).ÿ
ÿÿ REM’s transponders are a small decal that you will apply to the top of your helmet or visor (like the ones used in marathon scoring).ÿ This weekend’s race is just a test of the system (and it will most likely only be used in specific classes). In the future riders will be able to get a great deal of information with this new system–just like the more expensive and bulky transponders.ÿ Lap times, race times etc.ÿ and all of this info should eventually be available in real time on our website. More info will be posted later.
REM NOTICE; Starting May 30th, and at all future REM events, all racers must provide a current drivers license or other valid picture ID to enter.ÿ And, as always, minors must have a parent with them to compete.
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